Contact the Spirit Within You
God Consciousness – What Is It?
Become consciously aware of the Spirit of God living within your mind. Discover the loving, personal nature of God.
The Troubles with Old Religion
Religion is not science, nor is it philosophy, but it could be an honest search for truth and an inspiration to the world.
The Spiritual Power of Thankfulness
Be thankful for the spiritual beings, forces, and energies that allow you to become all you can be.
God Has No Religion
Religion, rather than being ordained by God, is simply a human attempt to know God. It’s a quest to know the true nature of spiritual life.
God the Scientist
Life is not an accident, nor is it meaningless. Discover what scientists have to say about the divine plan of progressive evolution.
Spiritual Habits for the Soul
Learn to create good habits that foster your soul growth and improve your spiritual receptivity.