Contact the Spirit Within You
The Secret of Self-Mastery
The divine Spirit within you is the secret to mastering your self. Learn to set it free to get the most from life.
Your Mind – Make It Spiritually Receptive
What is mind and consciousness? Discover ways to take control of your life by taking control of your mind.
Spirituality in a New World
Current ideas about spirituality have deep roots in the history of religious thought. But how much of religion or spirituality is truly spiritual?
The Power of Divine Spirituality
Divine spirituality takes you to new levels of experience. Become one with God and make real contact with the Spirit within you.
Worship Is Divinely Creative
Worship is the adoration of a good, true, and beautiful God. Use it to forever transform yourself in heart, mind, and soul.
Your Soul – What Is It?
Your soul is real – and it’s really important. Learn how to nurture and strengthen your evolving spiritual self.
God the Scientist
Life is not an accident, nor is it meaningless. Discover what scientists have to say about the divine plan of progressive evolution.
The God Experience Will Transform You
The God experience is as real and as vibrant as any other human experience. It will change your life.
Prayer—The Breath of Spirit Life
Prayer is your sincere rapport with a personal and superior being. It’s a powerful way to renew yourself with positive spiritual energies.
Spirit Life Is Your Destiny
A spiritual life is a good life. Use it to overcome your problems and difficulties. Prepare yourself for the next life.
Divine Meditation – A Working Method
Take a new, divine approach to meditation and reap the spiritual rewards of true spirit contact.
Morality – The Start of Spirituality
Morality separates magic and superstition from more enlightened forms of spirituality. Measure your own morality.